Anything multiplied with 4 becomes an even number because 4 itself is an even number. Have you heard of leap year? Did you know leap year is multiple of year like 2012, 2016,2020, 2024…etc.? table of 4 is just an addition of a number 4 times to itself. This method is applied throughout the table.ģ is a prime number but multiples of 3 may or may not be a prime number. So 2, 3x is 6 so the table can be written 3x2= 6. Multiples of 2 are also called even numbers.Īdd a number 3 times to itself then it becomes a multiple of 3. Difference between any two consecutive multiples of 2 is 2 which are called twin numbers which are specific to 2 table.

5 multiplied by 2 becomes 10 which is double of 5. This table is slightly interesting because a number multiplied by 2 will be doubled after multiplication. That’s it! you can feel now you know 1 table. It’s as easy as 1x banana = 1 banana or 1x football = 1 football and 1x10=10. There is no such brainstorming in this table compared to others. Let us learn some insights about each table.Īnything and everything multiplied to 1, becomes that multiplied number. On a scale of 1 to 10, where are you standing in terms of knowing tables? If there are less than 5 no worries, let us become experts. So, let us brush up our multiplication table knowledge. It helps in improving speed during competitive exams or day to day operations. But the significance of it appears everywhere in the career.

During childhood, when we do it we make it a play. So, we better learn tables with at least 20 numbers to ease the process. Many use calculators for multiplication functions which doesn’t test their ability to think.
Multiplication tables pdf professional#
This is because they provide a structured approach to learning basic arithmetic, and help students develop strong numeracy skills that will be useful throughout their academic and professional lives. Multiplication tables are an essential component of mathematics education in primary schools, where they are typically, introduced to students around the age of 7 or 8.